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Пиросмани красное Вазиани ТМ.png

Wine Pirosmani TM Vaziani is a naturally semi-dry red wine made from the Saperavi grape variety. The Saperavi grape is cultivated in the Alazani Valley (micro-plot Ahoebi, in the village of Kardanakhi - Gurjaani municipality of Georgia). The wine has a thick dark garnet color. The wine is very soft, has a rich aroma and delicate aftertaste. The alcohol content in the finished drink reaches 10.5-12.5% of the turnover, sugar - 1.5-2.5%, and its titratable acidity is 5-7 g / l. Experts recommend serving wine with fruits, desserts, as well as meat dishes with a slightly sweet sauce. Recommended serving temperature: 10 - 12 ° С. Pirosmani wine began to be produced in 1981. It should be noted that the wine was named after Niko Pirosmani, a famous Georgian primitivist painter.

Пиросмани красное Вазиани 3 л..png
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